
Monday, June 11, 2012

Grappling Dummy - Breaking In the Legs

Before Saturday's Jiu Jitsu class I worked technique on the Submission Master Grappling Dummy for about 20 minutes. I had trouble getting it to stay upright because I hadn't used it in a while and the legs went back to their original position. The legs are stiff when you first get the grappling dummy and it takes some time working with it to break the legs in right. I didn't want to overdue it and rip the stitches in the crotch area so I've been taking easy on the legs; as a result, the legs tend to go back to default position if you go a while without using the dummy.

There are two solutions to keeping the grappling dummy's legs trained to stay in a good position when you're not using it. The first is to store the dummy with a push-up bar wedged between the thighs. This will work the stitches and material in the crotch area. Second is to store the dummy postured up with the feet pulled out with it's butt sitting on the floor between it's feet. This will work the stitches and material at the knees and legs.

1. Push-up bar wedged between the thighs.

2. Grappling Dummy postured up with it's feet pulled out and it's butt on the floor.

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