
Monday, June 4, 2012

Jiu Jitsu Grappling Dummy

There is a NAGA (North American Grappling Association) tournament coming up that I really want to attend. I don't feel as if I'm ready as my conditioning and mental strength isn't where I want it to be. So tonight, with only 1hr to train, I had to decide what would be the most effective use of my time.

I decided to work with the Submission Master Grappling Dummy. Out came the Jiu-Jitsu notes from class and we went to work. Most of my concentration was on what to do once I achieved side control since my mind tends to go blank when I get to this point during live rolling. Once I did one move I tried to transition into what I thought would be the next logical move from that position. Rolling with the jiu jitsu grappling dummy didn't really work my conditioning but I figured that working technique and knowing what to do in different situations was more important. Hopefully I'll get some good roll time in this week to help improve my conditioning.

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